
April 27, 2017

Blogger Blog Limitations and Their Effects on Your Blogging


Blogger is a free, easy-to-use, multi-language blogging platform. Not only for professionals, Blogspot is also a great option for the new bloggers who are just starting. You are here because you are blogging on the Blogspot platform. So you should also know about the benefits and the limitations of the Blogspot Blogger.

Check out Blogger benefits here,
15 Reasons: Why Blogspot Blogger Is Best to Start Your Blogging Journey

16 Limits of Blogspot Blogs and Their Impacts on Your Blogging

Good or bad, there is a limit to everything, just like that, blogger also has some limitations. Except few of these limits, all other limits are very normal. Your blogging does not have any negative effect from these limits. You might be thinking that if there is no bad effect, then what is the need to know. I would like to say that if you start any work, know as much about it as possible, this will remove half of your problems. So today we will discuss the limitations of blogger.  Let's take a look at these limitations.

Limitations of blogger blogs you should know:

For your convenience, I am dividing these Blogspot limitations into 3 categories. Accounts, Blog and Posts limitations.

Blogger Account Limits:


1. Age Limit:

To create an account on Blogger, your age limit should be at least 13 years.

Impact: No problem, even many people do not have the internet access till the age of 15. Well, if you are facing this limit then you can request your parents to make your blog.

2. Number of Maximum Blogs per Account:

You cannot create more than 100 blogs on a single Blogger account.

Impact: Not a concern, is this number is low for you? For me, it is more than sufficient. Well, it's a matter of thinking, if I cannot update and maintain all, then what is the use of such 100 blogs? And if I have the ability to update and maintain 100 blogs regularly. So can't I create a new Google Account ???

Blogger Blog Limits:


1. Blog Description Length:

The Blogspot blog's description should not exceed 500 characters.

Effect: No Problem, 500 characters are enough to describe a blog.

2. Blog Content Limit (size):

The blog content of every page i.e. posts, archive pages, static pages and home page should be up to a maximum of 1MB.

Impact: No problem, if you are providing quality content then there is no need to think about it. It is very difficult to cross the content limits of 1 MB (if you care about your readers).

3. Number of Blog Labels:
Previously, you could have use 2,000 unique labels on a blog. But now this limit has been increased up to 5,000 unique labels per blog.

Effect: Not a big issue. Blog labels should be used as minimal as possible for the blog posts. Too many labels have negative effects on your blog, especially on related posts, breadcrumbs, sitemaps etc.

4. Multiple Blog Authors:
On the blogger blog, you can add a total of 100 Authors (Including the owner). These may include Team Members, Technical Helper, Moderator etc.

Effect: None, these numbers are quite a lot.

5. Private Blog Membership Limit:

You can invite 100 members on your private blog. And these 100 members also include administrators and the authors.

Impact: No Problem, if you want to invite more than 100 members, ask yourself a question, "Is it really a private blog?".

6. Favicon Size Limit:

You can use any image for favicon on the blogger blog. Favicon image size should be less than 100 KB.

Impact: No Problem, not only favicon image but all the images used in the blog should be lower in size. This will increase you blog page load speed (Better SEO).

Blogger Post Limits:


1. Number of Posts:

There is no limit for the posts in Blogger, you can write and publish as much as you like. Yes, there is a limit for daily posting, you can only publish 50 posts per day. After that, you will have to go through the check process.

Effect: Not at all, if you publish a single quality post per day, I believe it is enough. Secondly, you have to publish regular posts for good traffic and better rankings. More than 50 quality posts daily, is this possible? If yes, then how long?

2. Post Length:

There is no limit on post length. From Google's perspective, long posts can be beneficial. But if your post has 2500-3000 words, it could force the visitor to leave your blog. Therefore, posts will be good between the minimum 400 words and the maximum 1500 words.

3. Number of Static Pages:

Also known as Blogger Page or Static Page. Before 2014, the maximum page limit for a blog was 20. But this limit has been removed from 2014. Now you can publish as many pages as you like on your blog.

4. Number of Post Labels:

The maximum labels limit for a post is 20 unique labels (not more than 200 characters).

Effect: None, 20 unique labels are enough for a post. Well, blog labels should be used as minimal as possible for the blog posts. Too many labels may impact negatively on many places, such as on the Related Posts, Breadcrumbs, Sitemaps etc.

5. Storage Limit of Pictures:

Blogger provides total storage of 1GB for photos and videos, which is shared with Picasa. When you upload pictures using "Insert Image" to your posts, these pictures are stored on your Picasa account.

Impact: Well, 1GB storage for pictures is quite large. But if you are a photo blogger then you will need more images on your blog, so there may be a problem. But there is also a solution to this problem. This 1GB storage capacity can be increased up to 15 GB. For this, you have to upgrade to Google +. This extended storage will be shared with your Gmail and Google Drive, which is enough for the storage of pictures.

If you want to increase storage even further, the option of "Buy more" is also available. Using this link, you can check your free storage usage and also purchase an additional storage.

6. Size of photos:

The images uploaded from the blog post editor should be of maximally 8 Mb size, and 1600px in resolution. Any larger image than this will be resized up to 1600px. And if you are uploading pictures from your mobile, then size should not exceed 250 KB.

Impact: It is OK with the post editor. But there is a slight problem on the mobile if you are running a photo blog then. But if you want a better blog performance, then you should upload the images in the minimum size by resizing them. This will increase the page load speed of the blog and save your free storage too.

7. Video Size Limit in Blogger:

With the Blogger post editor, you cannot upload a video that is more than 100MB in size. In short, Blogger does not allow you to upload a video of more than 100 MB.

Effect: No Problem, YouTube is the solution to this problem. Upload your video directly to YouTube and embed it on your blog.

8. Number of Comments and Their Length:

There is no limit on the number of comments. Unlimited comments can be made on one post. But the length of the comment should not exceed 4,096 characters. And yes the administrator can hide or close the comments at any time.

So these are the major limits of Blogger, which includes Blogger account, blog and post limits. Let me know, what you think about this post. The comment box is waiting for you as well as me too. Subscribe us and get notifications of the new posts right in your Inbox.

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